Jena, Germany
International workshops with contemporary witnesses
RIE/Jena | 03. and 26.06.2019
Contemporary witnesses from all TN countries came together to report on the milestones of Europe. The participants reported on their personal experiences and the milestones in the history of Europe and their country. In Jena, in particular about the break after 40 years of dictatorship – and "30 years since the fall of the Wall".
Pupils from the Christian High School in Jena took part and conducted the interviews and participated in the questions.
The reports had a very emotional effect and conveyed European history in a very lively way right from the start.
International events
Jena, Germany
International panel discussion
"Shaping Europe's current challenges with contemporary witnesses – overcoming walls" | 06.11.2019
On November 6th in the Christian Grammar School in Jena a panel discussion with contemporary witnesses, pupils, students, politicians, public figures and guests from partner countries took place, who discussed how to overcome the WALLS of dictatorships and the wall between Europe 30 years ago. Intergenerational and international, the Democratic Wends and the fall of the Wall and its effects became vivid and lively. The courage and the courage of citizens at that time against dictatorship - for freedom and democracy "to take to the streets" could set impulses as a milestone also for the young generation. During this event, the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Wall was also the subject of debate on populism and nationalism. European identity was able to grow and an understanding for the development of the European Union.
Collected biographies of citizens* who are actively engaged in and support Europe, freedom and democracy were presented. The guests – politicians and project partners – answered questions from pupils on intergenerational dialogue, on the challenges of today's democracy in dealing with populism, anti-Semitism, exclusion and xenophobia.
This international discussion was reflected and encouraged far beyond the borders of Jena.
International multiplier event
Presentation of the contemporary witness videos | 07.11.2019
On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, a multiplier event with educators and guests from the partner countries took place on November 7, 2019, at the Christian Grammar School in Jena. The remembrance project was introduced, the project homepage was shown and the contemporary witness videos from all partner countries were presented as examples. Thus history was brought to life. The visitors were informed about the project and were able to test the presented material and its possible applications in the fields of politics and history. Especially with young people, history and its effects on European identity only becomes alive and understandable when it is presented in a vivid way. It is therefore particularly important to draw attention to important, significant historical events of the past and to record them in documentary form. All contemporary witness videos are subtitled in English and can be used freely for educational purposes on the project homepage. The feedback of the multipliers was taken into account for the further design of the project homepage.