WEBVTT 1 00:00:04.000 --> 00:00:10.960 Berlin as a set city was before the symbol of division and the Cold War. 2 00:00:10.960 --> 00:00:18.820 And suddenly with the Fall of the Wall Berlin was a positive symbol for a revolution in which no blood flowed and that is rare. 3 00:00:18.820 --> 00:00:28.739 In summary, I was extremely surprised, because you actually had the feeling that the state will indeed not be eternal, 4 00:00:28.739 --> 00:00:33.700 but I was not sure if I would still experience that there is no longer the DDR. 5 00:00:33.700 --> 00:00:41.539 And on November 9, I was completely surprised, I was at home in West Berlin in my apartment 6 00:00:41.539 --> 00:00:45.119 and had the radio on and then heard "The Wall is open". 7 00:00:45.119 --> 00:00:52.359 One thought first, okay, it is not the first of April. Then I thought, well, it will be true - 8 00:00:52.359 --> 00:01:03.240 then I sat down in the train, I drove to Werther city train station, which was actually a very lonely S-Bahn station at the Reichstag 9 00:01:03.240 --> 00:01:08.459 where then the wall between West and East Berlin was. 10 00:01:08.459 --> 00:01:14.939 Yes and there were crowds and people on top of the wall 11 00:01:14.939 --> 00:01:18.920 and I thought, I want that too, but the wall was quite high. 12 00:01:18.920 --> 00:01:24.739 I did not come up by myself, but there were people everywhere who pulled you up. 13 00:01:24.739 --> 00:01:33.920 And then I stood up there, it was just opened and there I stood on top of the wall, 14 00:01:33.920 --> 00:01:43.319 2 meters away, border guards with weapons that were very unsettled. 15 00:01:43.319 --> 00:01:52.060 Some people have looked away, some have sung, some have started to throw stones at the border police. 16 00:01:52.060 --> 00:01:56.239 that is, the situation was not clear yet, on the one hand it felt like a folk festival 17 00:01:56.239 --> 00:01:59.519 and on the other hand it was not clear if the mood will change suddenly. 18 00:01:59.519 --> 00:02:06.939 Luckily, then peace had prevailed. And then everything went on in fast motion. 19 00:02:06.939 --> 00:02:15.120 Moderator: Was there also an insight into the border fortifications after the 9th of November? 20 00:02:15.120 --> 00:02:23.560 I think that was already known to most West Berliners, because they lived very close to it 21 00:02:23.560 --> 00:02:31.639 and there were several areas like barbed wire, then there were areas where dogs ran. 22 00:02:31.639 --> 00:02:41.060 I can remember I lived near the Teltow Canal and then it was like that, 23 00:02:41.060 --> 00:02:49.979 when you walked there for half an hour on this channel in West Berlin, you started and at some point you were at the side of the border. 24 00:02:49.979 --> 00:03:07.699 And then that was the DDR, not East Berlin. And if you went there, a spot went on and the light accompanied a person. 25 00:03:07.699 --> 00:03:14.680 So as West Berliners one was familiar with the border installations. 26 00:03:14.680 --> 00:03:21.439 There were also subway lines, which then drove under East Berlin area. 27 00:03:23.780 --> 00:03:27.979 So the security apparatus was already omnipresent. 28 00:03:27.979 --> 00:03:38.259 I was arrested in the DDR when I visited relatives. That was the crosswalk at Berlin-Friedrich-Strasse, 29 00:03:38.259 --> 00:03:49.259 where I gave my ID and there you got an entry document and it took a long time until a police officer came 30 00:03:49.259 --> 00:03:55.400 and said that I was arrested in the name of the German Democratic Republic and I should go with him. 31 00:03:55.400 --> 00:03:59.280 And I thought what is now happening? 32 00:03:59.280 --> 00:04:17.379 It turned out that something was wrong with my papers and then I came to a basement room with artificial light and then had to tell how my days went by. 33 00:04:17.379 --> 00:04:26.100 I was repeatedly asked the same questions by nine policemen. 34 00:04:26.100 --> 00:04:34.279 Whereas I might say I wasn't attacked physically. 35 00:04:34.279 --> 00:04:45.720 I was there 10 to 12 hours and in the end someone came in a jeans and asked me if I would like to have a cigarette. 36 00:04:45.720 --> 00:04:55.879 He said it was all a good thing, as I also studied law I would probably get a good job. 37 00:04:55.879 --> 00:04:58.740 And that I could also "help" them. 38 00:04:58.740 --> 00:05:07.500 So he was campaigning for the Stasi to do a good job and help. I said, I'll think about it. 39 00:05:07.500 --> 00:05:23.480 At the end of the day I was deported. Someone opened a door and I stood on the West Station S-Bahnhof Friedrich-Strasse. 40 00:05:23.480 --> 00:05:28.720 The West platform in East Berlin Friedrich-Strasse. 41 00:05:28.720 --> 00:05:34.800 He said I should come back the next day, which I did not. 42 00:05:34.800 --> 00:05:47.279 Moderator: Berlin has changed since 1989. Social-political changes took place in Germany but also throughout Europe. 43 00:05:47.279 --> 00:05:56.620 From your point of view, what did these changes in the Democratic Change look like for the country and for Europe? 44 00:05:56.620 --> 00:06:02.839 I thought it was bad that the people in the DDR were oppressed, that there were no human rights 45 00:06:02.839 --> 00:06:11.939 and no freedom of travel, whether there were one or two states and nobody was able to travel in or out peacefully. 46 00:06:11.939 --> 00:06:16.839 These human rights violations were the worst. 47 00:06:16.839 --> 00:06:23.620 But I would have wished that one looks what can be done. 48 00:06:23.620 --> 00:06:30.360 Otherwise, I see the change as positive. West Berlin did not belong to the Federal Republic. 49 00:06:30.360 --> 00:06:36.220 All Berlin was occupied. Three western sectors, one east sector. 50 00:06:36.220 --> 00:06:45.259 The Basic Law did not apply in Berlin. There were already many special features in the American sector. 51 00:06:45.259 --> 00:06:54.600 Here one could be shot until 1989 according to the legal situation without identity card without warning. 52 00:06:54.600 --> 00:07:08.000 This was not applied but that means that Berlin as a set city became the center of Europe overnight. 53 00:07:08.000 --> 00:07:12.959 Before, the city was the symbol of division and the Cold War. 54 00:07:12.959 --> 00:07:20.819 And suddenly with the Fall of the Wall Berlin was a positive symbol for a revolution in which no blood flowed and that is rare. 55 00:07:20.819 --> 00:07:35.220 Moderator: Many people say that much has been forgotten and many are turning to parties that have nationalistic tendencies and even xenophobic tendencies. 56 00:07:35.220 --> 00:07:50.800 First of all, it has to be said that it is great that we have achieved the peaceful revolution, but that is not enough for decades. 57 00:07:50.800 --> 00:07:56.839 I still think that it is a mentality problem. 58 00:07:56.839 --> 00:08:07.639 Some may also expect the state to care more about its citizens. 59 00:08:07.639 --> 00:08:13.019 I also see many fears of immigration in the right populist area. 60 00:08:13.019 --> 00:08:27.860 There is a fear of strange areas, although there are none. This shows more of an existential fear. 61 00:08:27.860 --> 00:08:36.940 And therefore there are different projection surfaces. 62 00:08:36.940 --> 00:08:48.059 And of course there are objective things as differences in financial performance between East and West. 63 00:08:48.059 --> 00:08:54.139 This is grist for the mill of the people, which are already against the turn. 64 00:08:54.139 --> 00:08:58.820 There is still a need for political action in my opinion. 65 00:08:58.820 --> 00:09:10.940 Moderator: Need for action is a good catchphrase - what would you say, what would Europe have to do, 66 00:09:10.940 --> 00:09:22.820 what could every single citizen possibly do or even do politics to bring the idea of ​​Europe as a peace project more into the hearts and minds of citizens? 67 00:09:22.820 --> 00:09:27.820 So I would rather rely on the younger generation. 68 00:09:27.820 --> 00:09:32.340 Through digitization you are internationally much more networked. 69 00:09:32.360 --> 00:09:41.580 It works very well on a small scale and at the European level I have two requirements: 70 00:09:41.580 --> 00:09:46.820 First, that the European Parliament is finally strengthened and gets a right of initiative, 71 00:09:46.820 --> 00:09:51.899 so that they can propose laws by themselves, not just submitted to them. 72 00:09:51.899 --> 00:09:57.679 And second, that finally this unspeakable unanimity of the decision is abolished, and replaced by the majority principle. 73 00:09:57.679 --> 00:10:03.980 For example, we could then put an end to the problems such as the distribution of refugees in a relatively short time. 74 00:10:03.980 --> 00:10:09.539 In order to have any weight in the world in the US, China, not only for the economy, 75 00:10:09.539 --> 00:10:16.580 but also for values - I mean the US has no more - Europe must stick together. 76 00:10:16.580 --> 00:10:22.120 There is now also the trend that now more people are interested in it again, 77 00:10:22.120 --> 00:10:29.899 in the European elections there was a larger turnout - many younger - so I am not pessimistic.